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Collbaration to make One Data Indonesia trough Technical Meeting KSK

Collbaration to make One Data Indonesia trough Technical Meeting KSK

December 9, 2019 | BPS Activities

The District Statistics Coordinator (KSK) is the front row in the data collection guard at the Central Statistics Agency. It is they who are responsible for conducting various data collection in the scope of the sub-district. In the 2020 Population Census, the role of the CWC is crucial in determining the success of the data collection. Therefore, this morning the NTT Province BPS held a Technical Meeting for the Preparation of the 2020 Population Census of the NTT District Statistics Coordinator in 2019. The planned meeting which lasted for 3 effective days was held at the Jayakarta Labuan Bajo Hotel.

Before this meeting was held, the KSK of each district had been required to make various strategies for the success of SP2020 in accordance with the conditions of the region. Through this meeting the strategy was explained so that each district could complement existing strategies so as to create a good and effective strategy design for their respective regions. In this meeting the Head of the Central Statistics Agency for BPS NTT, Darwis Sitorus, advised the KSK to continue to be enthusiastic in guiding the success of SP2020 in the regions, because it was KSK who became the connecting line between BPS and the community.

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