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Satu Data Indonesia Coordination Meeting

Satu Data Indonesia Coordination Meeting

Satu Data Indonesia Coordination Meeting

November 6, 2019 | Other Activities

Satu Data IndonesiaCoordination Meeting]

The exsistence of Presidential decree number 39 of 2019 concerning Satu Data Indonesia is a new chapter in the management of sectoral statistical data and information in Indonesia. The government is demanded to be more data literate, and more comprehensive in managing data. As data builder in Indonesia, BPS has a role to actively participate in educating in an effort to increase synchronization of one Indonesian data. In line with this spirit, on 6-7 November 2019 BPS NTT Province held a Coordination Meeting on Role and Function of Statistical Institutions in Indonesian Data. The event which was attended by BPS representatives from Kota Regency, Representatives of Diskominfo Kota District, and several Provincial OPDs took place at the T-More Sahid Hotel, Kupang.

This Coordination Meeting is the first step in implementing the synergy of one Indonesian data in NTT. "In practice later, there will certainly be a steep road that we must face together in the success of the One Indonesian Data. The limitations of manpower, budget, equipment and resources may destabilize our struggle at the beginning of this transition. But rest assured that this change will lead to a better direction. For the sake of producing better statistical data and the realization of a more reliable National Statistics System. " Decisively Darwis, Head of BPS NTT when delivering the opening speech. It is hoped that this activity can create a synergy of one good Indonesian data in NTT so that good sectoral data governance is created as a basis for valid development.

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