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Towards One Data NTT

Towards One Data NTT

Towards One Data NTT

December 16, 2019 | Other Activities

In accordance with the mandate of Perpres No. 39 of 2019 concerning an Indonesian Data, BPS began to take various steps to achieve the formation of an Indonesian Data. One of the steps was initiated at the 2020 Population Census. At the 2020 Population Census, a new method will be used, which uses the Dukcapil database as a reference for data collection. The breakthrough made it possible for the Online Population Census (SPO). Later residents do not have to wait for officers to come to the house to collect data, but can also take the population census online through Through data collection with the new method, it is expected to create an integrated and more concrete Population Data base.

To support the creation of an optimal Population Census, collaboration from various relevant agencies is needed, mainly the Population and Civil Registry Office (Dukcapil). Therefore, on December 16, BPS NTT invited representatives of BPS districts / cities and representatives of Dukcapil districts / cities throughout NTT to hold discussions. Entitled the East Nusa Tenggara Province Population Data One Coordinating Meeting in 2019, this event is expected to bring up various concrete strategies to succeed SP2020, especially the Online Population Census held on February 15, 2020 - March 31, 2020. At this event the Dukcapil Regency / City in NTT signed agreement to succeed SP2020.

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