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Regional Technical Meeting BPS NTT 2021

Regional Technical Meeting BPS NTT 2021

Regional Technical Meeting BPS NTT 2021

March 10, 2021 | BPS Activities

The Regional Technical Meeting (RATEKDA) of BPS NTT Province is a moment of implementation, discussion and strengthening of commitment for 20 BPS work units in East Nusa Tenggara Province. RATEKDA is generally carried out directly in hotels / convention centers, however the Covid-19 pandemic demands that BPS adhere to health protocols and limit meetings, so RATEKDA BPS NTT 2021 is held online through the Zoom Meeting. Opened by the Head of BPS NTT, Darwis Sitorus RATEKDA, it will be held for 3 days, 8-10 March 2021.
This regional technical meeting, mainly discussed the evaluation and work programs of various functions / fields in BPS. However, in line with the theme raised, namely "Adaptation to Change to the Future", there are several new breakthroughs at RATEKDA, including the strengthening of the Bureaucratic Reform and One Data Indonesia program which is being announced by the NTT Province BPS. Related to this, the NTT Provincial BPS invited several resource persons who are experienced in their fields, namely the Head of the NTT Province BAPPELITBANGDA (Kosmas D. Lana) to deliver material on One Indonesian Data, and the Head of the Regional Office of the Regional Office of the NTT Province DJPB (Lydia Kurniawati Christyana, MM) The Satker has a WBK predicate. At this moment an award was also conveyed to the NTT provincial satker for carrying out its duties as the best sector statistical implementing agency.
Through RATEKDA, it is hoped that the 20 BPS working units in the NTT Province BPS will have simultaneous steps with a high commitment to be able to realize a BPS with optimal and better performance.
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