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Preparation Technical Meeting For Population Census 2020

Preparation Technical Meeting For Population Census 2020

Preparation Technical Meeting For Population Census 2020

November 19, 2019 | Other Activities

The 2020 Population Census (SP 2020) is a major activity to be carried out by BPS in 2020. For this reason, careful preparation is needed for the success of this activity. One form of preparation undertaken by the NTT Province BPS is coordination and consolidation of all BPS satker in the East Nusa Tenggara region through the Regional Technical Meeting (Ratekda) Preparation for SP 2020 in 2019.

Carrying the theme of Consolidation Towards One Population Data, Ratekda activities were carried out at Aston Kupang Hotel from 17 November - 21 November 2019 with 185 participants coming from the Provincial BPS and BPS District / City. This activity was opened by the Head of BPS of the Province of East Nusa Tenggara, Mr. Darwis Sitorus, SSi, M.Sc.
In his remarks, he stated that SP2020 was not only a big activity but a special activity and determined the existence of Indonesia in the modernization of the population census. Why special? Because in SP2020, BPS will make a big leap by "modernizing" the two census implementation areas, namely the methodology area and the technology area. For this reason, it is highly demanded to change the working mechanism to make the modernization implementation process successful.

At the end of the Ratekda activity there will also be an agreement on the various commitments that have been reached in the Ratekda.

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