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Inauguration of BPS Functional Officials in the Scope of the NTT Province

Inauguration of BPS Functional Officials in the Scope of the NTT Province

Inauguration of BPS Functional Officials in the Scope of the NTT Province

May 23, 2023 | Other Activities

Today, as many as 8 BPS employees have been appointed as functional officials by the Head of BPS NTT Province, Matamira B. Kale. This inauguration was carried out in a hybrid manner where employees from out of town participated via zoom meeting. Also present were the Head of BPS Kupang City and all statistics of BPS NTT Provincial Associate Experts in the Hall on the 2nd floor of BPS NTT Province. In his message, the Head of BPS NTT Province said that as a data provider agency, we must be prepared with all risks and responsibilities to the community related to all the data we produce. Therefore, we must continue to work optimally and not be affected by outside intervention so that the data we collect is maintained independently.

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