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Inauguration of NTT Province BPS Scope Administrator

Inauguration of NTT Province BPS Scope Administrator

Inauguration of NTT Province BPS Scope Administrator

June 11, 2024 | Other Activities

The Head of BPS NTT Province, Matamira B. Kale today inaugurated two Administrator Officials within the NTT Province. The officials who were inaugurated were

1. Muhamad Sukin SST, M.Stat as Head of BPS Lembata Regency (promotion)
2. Feliksia Penaten Kelo Siola, SP., as the Head of BPS East Flores Regency (previously Head of BPS Lembata Regency)

In her direction, Mira advised that as a good leader, she must be able to be an example and embrace all employees so that they can continue to create a harmonious working atmosphere, cooperate with each other and have a sense of responsibility. The experiences that have been acquired continue to be implemented in a new workplace and fix everything that needs improvement in the future.

Congratulations and Success always to Mr. Sukin and Mrs. Naten 🥰

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