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Inauguration of Functional Official in BPS NTT

Inauguration of Functional Official in BPS NTT

Inauguration of Functional Official in BPS NTT

November 17, 2022 | BPS Activities

Today, Thursday, November 17, 2022, the inauguration of the Functional Officer of the Computer Institution within the scope of the NTT Provincial BPS was held in the Hall on the second floor of the NTT Provincial BPS Office. Head of BPS NTT Province, Matamira B. Kale led the inauguration of Bayu Kristiawan, S.Tr.Stat. along with witnesses, clergy and other BPS employees as well. The Head of BPS NTT Province hopes that all ASN employees will be able to respond to changes, especially in the field of technology that is developing in a very fast count. In addition, the values of ASN BerAKHLAK (Service-Oriented, Accountable, Competent, Harmonious, Loyal, Adaptive, and Collaborative) must still be instilled in the person of every ASN person in BPS NTT Province.

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