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Inauguration of Officials within the scope of BPS NTT Province

Inauguration of Officials within the scope of BPS NTT Province

Inauguration of Officials within the scope of BPS NTT Province

January 25, 2023 | Other Activities

Wednesday, January 25, 2023, BPS NTT Province held an inauguration of Administrator, Supervisory and Functional Officers within the Scope of BPS NTT Province. Some of the officials who were inaugurated at that moment were the Head of BPS Kupang Regency, I Made Suantara, SE, M. Si; Head of General Sub-Bgagian BPS South Central Timor Regency, Johny Pello, SP; Head of the General Sub-Section of BPS Kupang City, Sarah Leonufna, SE. In addition, on this occasion, several functional officials were also appointed in financial management within the scope of BPS NTT Province.

The event was also attended by the Head of BPS Regencies/Cities throughout East Nusa Tenggara Province, who on the same occasion also signed the 2023 Performance Agreement.

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