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Strengthening One Indonesian Data Together with the NTT Province Diskominfo

Strengthening One Indonesian Data Together with the NTT Province Diskominfo

Strengthening One Indonesian Data Together with the NTT Province Diskominfo

July 4, 2022 | BPS Activities

‎Satu Data Indonesia is one of the data governance policies in Indonesia, whose main goal is to produce integrated data for more targeted policy determination. In the One Data Indonesia order as stated in Presidential Regulation No. 39 of 2019, the Communication and Informatics Service (Diskominfo) is given the task of being a data guardian, with the main task of collecting, examining and managing data submitted by data producers, in this case the OPDs in local governments. Therefore, on July 4, 2022, Diskominfo held an activity to Strengthen the Capacity of Human Resources for Sectoral Statistics Management within the scope of the NTT Provincial Government. In the event, which was led directly by the Head of the NTT Provincial Diskominfo Aba Maulaka, BPS was also present as a Supervisor of Sectoral Statistics data. The Head of BPS NTT Province, Matamira B. Kale, in his direction said that BPS NTT Province is always ready to support the efforts of the NTT Provincial Government in improving sectoral statistics, towards One Data Indonesia. On this occasion, the Associate Statistician of BPS NTT Province, Demarce M. Sabuna, also delivered several materials related to the National Statistics System, and the Evaluation of Sectoral Statistics (EPSS) program which is scheduled to start implementing in 2022.‎
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