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BPS NTT Province Establishes Data Exchange Cooperation with the Regional Office of DJPb NTT Province

BPS NTT Province Establishes Data Exchange Cooperation with the Regional Office of DJPb NTT Province

BPS NTT Province Establishes Data Exchange Cooperation with the Regional Office of DJPb NTT Province

March 17, 2022 | Other Activities

‎As a form of one of the missions of the Central Statistics Agency, namely providing quality statistics of national and international standards, BPS NTT Province collaborates on data exchange with the NTT Provincial DJPb Kanwil. The cooperation, which was marked by the signing of the MoU between Mr. Catur A. Widodo (Head of the NTT Provincial DJPb Kanwil) and Mr. Adi H. Manafe (Acting Head of NTT Provincial BPS), is an effort between BPS NTT Province and Kanwil DJPb NTT Province to support each other's data provision. This is important considering that data is one of the essential foundations of development. The signing of this MoU was held in conjunction with the Regional Fiscal and Economic Seminar organized by the NTT Provincial DJPb Kanwil.‎
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