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Strengthening Stunting Data in NTT Province

Strengthening Stunting Data in NTT Province

Strengthening Stunting Data in NTT Province

July 24, 2022 | BPS Activities

In the context of handling stunting in East Nusa Tenggara (NTT), the Department of Health and Population Civil Registration of the Province of NTT together with the August 2022 team will hold a weighing operation data processing activity for calculating the stunting rate in NTT. As a data builder, BPS has a role in fostering the implementation of sectoral statistics in accordance with the provisions of the legislation. As a manifestation of this coaching task, on Monday, July 25, 2022, located in the 2nd Floor Hall of the NTT Provincial BPS Office, the NTT Provincial BPS carried out statistical strengthening with the NTT Provincial Health and Population Administration Team and the Governor's Special Staff Team. In this activity, material on sectoral statistics from BPS was presented and material on the design of sectoral statistical activities to be carried out by the Department of Health and Population Civil Registry of NTT Province. With this guidance, it is hoped that the data produced by the agency or service is in accordance with procedures and can be accounted for.
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