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BPS Provinsi NTT held Budget Evaluation Meeting with DJPb Provinsi NTT

BPS Provinsi NTT held Budget Evaluation Meeting with DJPb Provinsi NTT

BPS Provinsi NTT held Budget Evaluation Meeting with DJPb Provinsi NTT

September 14, 2021 | Other Activities

‎Every government agency must use the budget optimally and responsibly, not least the Central Statistics Agency. BPS continues to strive to achieve optimal and efficient in budget absorption, one of which is realized in a routine meeting of BPS Budget Evaluation in NTT Province. In contrast to the usual regular budget meetings, this meeting was attended directly by several related sources from the Regional Office of the Directorate General of Treasury Kupang.‎
‎Followed by all BPS satkers in East Nusa Tenggara Province, this meeting was opened by the Head of BPS NTT Province, Darwis Sitorus. At this meeting there was also Plt 2. Head of DJPb ntt province, Mr. Herbudi Adrianto, Head of PPA1, Vicensia Retnasari together with the team from KPPN Kupang to also convey some suggestions, entry and evaluation in optimizing budget absorption in BPS satker in NTT Province.‎
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