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BPS Provinsi NTT raih Penghargaan Pengelolaan Anggaran dari Kanwil DJPb NTT

BPS Provinsi NTT raih Penghargaan Pengelolaan Anggaran dari Kanwil DJPb NTT

BPS Provinsi NTT raih Penghargaan Pengelolaan Anggaran dari Kanwil DJPb NTT

March 17, 2022 | Other Activities

‎As one of the government budget managers, BPS NTT Province has made various efforts to realize the use of quality state budgets. At the Regional Coordination Meeting of the Ministry/Institution/Satker partner of THE NTT Provincial DJPb, NTT Provincial BPS represented by the Acting Head of BPS ntt province, Mr. Adi Manafe, was awarded as the 2nd Best as the accounting unit of the regional budget user assistance unit. This award is one of the proofs of BPS NTT Province's efforts to realize effective and quality state budget management. At the event, BPS NTT Province also signed a joint commitment to improve the performance of budget implementation, as a symbolic form of BPS's commitment to continue to implement effective and quality budget management.‎

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