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BPS NTT Strengthen Coordination with Pemda

BPS NTT Strengthen Coordination with Pemda

BPS NTT Strengthen Coordination with Pemda

September 9, 2021 | Other Activities

‎Data is a milestone of nation building, through accurate data development can run more effectively and optimally. As a statistical data development agency in Indonesia, the Central Statistics Agency has made various efforts to fulfill the task. One of them is coordination with various related agencies / agencies, including with the Local Government.‎‎ ‎
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‎ ‎‎On September 6-7, 2021, the Head of BPS ntt province made a working visit to several districts in NTT to strengthen the coordination of the implementation of One Data in East Nusa Tenggara Province, precisely in Manggarai Regency and East Manggarai Regency. During the visit, Darwis Sitorus (Head of BPS NTT Province) met Agas Andreas (Regent of East Manggarai) to discuss the SIMANDATARIS program that will soon be implemented in NTT. In addition, Darwis also met with Herybertus G.L Nabit (Regent of Manggarai) to discuss the application of One Data in Manggarai Regency through an application that has been built by the Manggarai Regency Government together with BPS Manggarai Regency. This effort is one of the tangible manifestations of BPS's commitment in building One Data in East Nusa Tenggara Province for a more advanced NTT.‎

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