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Filling Together the 2020 Online Population Census

Filling Together the 2020 Online Population Census

Filling Together the 2020 Online Population Census

February 16, 2020 | BPS Activities


Starting February 15, 2020, access to online census sites has opened. That means people can update their data independently through the site As an effort to succeed in this great celebration of Indonesia, BPS NTT Province also participated in various efforts, one of which was socialization to various offices / agencies in East Nusa Tenggara Province. .
More than 50 BPS employees of NTT Province were divided into several teams, each team conducted an outreach and guided directly the filling of an online population census to more than 60 agencies / agencies in the province of East Nusa Tenggara. Through this socialization, it is expected that ASN as the motor of government programs can participate in socializing the 2020 Population Census in its environment, so that it can have a positive impact on the success of the 2020 Population Census.
#Noting Indonesia # sp2020
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