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Product - News

2020 Population Census Preparation Ceremony

2020 Population Census Preparation Ceremony

2020 Population Census Preparation Ceremony

February 14, 2020 | BPS Activities

The 2020 population census is in sight. On Saturday, February 15, 2020, an online census portal for the self-resident online survey was opened. As a sign of readiness to face such a grand moment, BPS throughout Indonesia held the Apple Alert, including the NTT Province BPS.
Located on the NTT Province BPS Page, all NTT Province BPS employees took part in the standby. At that moment a hand stamp procession was also carried out on the banner as a symbol of BPS's readiness to begin #Taking Indonesia in the 2020 Population Census. Don't forget #sahabatdata 15 February - 31 March 2020! Update your data at

Noting Indonesia # sp2020
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