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Echelon III Coordination Meeting of the 2020 Population Census

Echelon III Coordination Meeting of the 2020 Population Census

Echelon III Coordination Meeting of the 2020 Population Census

February 7, 2020 | BPS Activities

Online Population Census (SP) is only 8 days away. How about the preparation that has been done by BPS in NTT ??? This morning, the head of the NTT Province BPS held a technical meeting with all BPS leaders in the district / city to monitor the progress of the SP Online socialization in their respective regions.
Wow, it turns out that the progress of each region has been very nimble. Proficiat for all of us.

Anyway, don't forget to take #sahabatddata to participate in SP Online on 15 February-31 March 2020 by completing the questionnaire independently via
It's easy, just prepare your KTP and Family Card. Just one person, the data can be updated as a family.

If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us, okay?

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