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Product - Official Statistics News

August 2022, Combined 3 East Nusa Tenggara Inflation Cities experienced Deflation of 0.93 percent

August 2022, Combined 3 East Nusa Tenggara Inflation Cities experienced Deflation of 0.93 percent

Release Date : September 1, 2022
File Size : 1.85 MB


‎In August 2022, the combined 3 Inflation Cities in East Nusa Tenggara experienced Deflation of 0.93 percent with a Consumer Price Index (CPI) of 109.92. Kupang City experienced Deflation of 0.86 percent, Maumere City experienced Deflation of 1.00 percent and Waingapu City experienced Deflation of 1.47 percent.‎

‎◼ The combined inflation in August 2022 in East Nusa Tenggara occurred due to a decrease in the price index in 4 of the 11 expenditure groups. The spending group that experienced the largest decline in the price index was the food, beverage and tobacco group, which fell by 2.07 percent.‎

‎◼ In August 2022, out of 90 cities sampled by the National CPI, 11 cities experienced Inflation and 79 cities experienced Deflation. The city that experienced the highest inflation was Ambon City at 0.82 percent and the lowest inflation occurred in Bekasi City at 0.12 percent. Meanwhile, the largest deflation occurred in Tanjung Pandan City by 1.65 percent and the lowest deflation occurred in Depok and Kediri cities by 0.01 percent.‎
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