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Maintain Integrity: BPS NTT Province carries out Gratification outreach

Maintain Integrity: BPS NTT Province carries out Gratification outreach

Maintain Integrity: BPS NTT Province carries out Gratification outreach

November 13, 2024 | Other Activities

#Data Friends, have you ever heard of the terms "cigarette money", "tired money" or "thank you money"?
These forms of giving can be a form of gratification to state administrators or government employees!

Today, BPS NTT Province, through the Strengthening Supervision Pillar, conducted a hybrid socialization of Gratification within BPS Province of East Nusa Tegggara, which was attended by employees within BPS NTT Province and also partners. Through this socialization, it is hoped that all parties, including BPS employees in NTT Province and partners, can understand what gratification is, the forms of gratification and how to implement gratification control.

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