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Declaration of BPS NTT Integrity Zone

Declaration of BPS NTT Integrity Zone

Declaration of BPS NTT Integrity Zone

May 20, 2020 | Other Activities

The integrity zone is one of the government's efforts in improving the bureaucracy and performance of an agency. Through the establishment of this integrity zone, an agency is required to implement a Free of Corruption (WBK) area and a clean bureaucracy area (WBBM).

Coinciding with the National Awakening Day which fell on May 20, 2020, BPS NTT pledged the establishment of a zone of integrity in the NTT BPS environment. The declaration was established in the NTT BPS Hall by applying the Covid-19 health protocol. The declaration was witnessed by several high ranking officials of NTT Province, namely DPD RI member (Ir. Abraham Paul Liyanto), Chairperson of the Kipang High Court (Andreas Don Rade, SH, MH), Chancellor of Nusa Cendana University (Prof. Ir. Fredik L. Benu, M.Sc, Ph.D,), Head of BPKP of East Nusa Tenggara Province (Iwan Agung Prasetyo, Ak, M.EcDev, Ph.D), Head of the NTT Province Ministry of Justice and Human Rights Office (Marciana Dominika Jone, SH), Chairperson of the East Nusa Tenggara Provincial Information Commission (Pius Rengka, SH, M.Sc.).

Through this declaration, BPS NTT committed to realize a Corruption-Free Region and a Clean Bureaucracy Area to Serve in the BPS-NTT environment.
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