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Socialization on Integrity Zone Development in BPS Provinsi NTT

Socialization on Integrity Zone Development in BPS Provinsi NTT

Socialization on Integrity Zone Development in BPS Provinsi NTT

November 15, 2021 | BPS Activities

‎In fulfilling its duties and functions as a statistical data provider institution in Indonesia, BPS is assisted by various parties, one of which is a Statistics Partner. Therefore, it is important for statistical partners to be familiar with the construction of integrity zones carried out by BPS. Located at Cafe Barista BPS, BPS NTT Province invited several statistical partners to participate in the Integrity Zone Development Socialization event. In the event packaged in the form of a casual talkshow, bps chairman Darwis Sitorus together with Statisti Madya, Indra Souri discussed in more detail about progress and also the background of the construction of integrity zones in BPS NTT Province. Through this event, it is expected that statistical partners also understand and also support the process of building an Integrity Zone that is being built in BPS NTT Province.‎
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