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Inauguration of NTT BPS Skilled Functionals

Inauguration of NTT BPS Skilled Functionals

Inauguration of NTT BPS Skilled Functionals

November 27, 2023 | Other Activities

Monday, November 27, 2023, the inauguration of Skilled Statistical Functional Officers (BPS East Manggarai Regency and BPS Ngada Regency) and Functional Procurement Management of Goods and Services (BPS NTT Province) has been inaugurated. This inauguration was led directly by the Head of BPS East Nusa Tenggara Province, Matamira B. Kale and was carried out in a hybrid manner. To those who were inaugurated, Mira advised them to be able to work collaboratively and professionally with the work team in their respective functions and work units. In addition, it can jointly oversee all technical and administrative activities that are being or will be carried out. In particular, Mira said that employees within the scope of BPS NTT Province always improve competence (managerial, technical and sociocultural), maintain and maintain integrity, loyalty and discipline to duties and responsibilities, responsive and adaptive and have the ability to combine the use of these existing resources.


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