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78th Republic of Indonesia Independence Day Commemoration Ceremony

78th Republic of Indonesia Independence Day Commemoration Ceremony

78th Republic of Indonesia Independence Day Commemoration Ceremony

August 17, 2023 | Other Activities

At 07.00 WITA, the front page of the NTT Provincial BPS Office was filled with colorful traditional clothes from various regions. More than 70 employees of BPS NTT Province are preparing to carry out the 78th Indonesian Independence Memorial Ceremony. Led by the Head of the General Section of BPS NTT Province, Mr. Adi Manafe, the ceremony took place wisdom. The event then continued with hospitality and group photos.

At the same time, located at the NTT Gubernut Department House, the Head of BPS NTT Province, Matamira B. Kale also participated in the 78th Indonesian Independence Memorial Ceremony led by the Governor of NTT, Viktor B. Laiskodat. After the Flag Ceremony, followed by a choir performance from the NTT Provincial Office / Apparatus then ended with dancing together by all participants and invited guests.

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