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"Harmonious" Friday Celebrating the 78th Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia

"Harmonious" Friday Celebrating the 78th Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia

"Harmonious" Friday Celebrating the 78th Independence Day of the Republic of Indonesia

August 11, 2023 | Other Activities

There is something special on Friday this time, in order to welcome the 78th Indonesian Independence, the Friday Harmonious activity (Friday Dynamic Chat) is filled with cohesive games. The event, which is also part of the activities of the NTT Provincial BPS Bureaucratic Reform Team, aims to increase the cohesiveness and enthusiasm of NTT Provincial BPS employees in the midst of busy daily work routines. All employees were divided into groups and then assigned to complete several cohesive games, such as group yelling, marble relay, inserting needles into bottles, etc. This activity is expected to foster familiarity between employees so that they can work together between teams optimally and effectively. This event is also part of enlivening the celebration of the 78th Independence of the Republic of Indonesia which will be commemorated in the near future.


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