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Pancasila Sanctity Day Commemoration Ceremony

Pancasila Sanctity Day Commemoration Ceremony

Pancasila Sanctity Day Commemoration Ceremony

October 2, 2024 | Other Activities

Head of BPS NTT Province, Matamira B. Kale led the Pancasila Sanctity Day Commemoration Ceremony which took place in the yard of the BPS NTT Province Office. The ceremony was attended by all employees and interns.

Pancasila Sanctity Day is commemorated every October 1 in Indonesia to commemorate the failure of the September 30th Movement (G30S) in 1965 and to reaffirm the importance of Pancasila as the state ideology. This commemoration is a symbol of the strength and determination of the nation in defending the state philosophy of Pancasila from all threats that seek to undermine the nation's sovereignty.

Happy Pancasila Sanctity Day 🇮🇩. Let's maintain the unity of the nation with the spirit of Pancasila as a guideline for national and state life.

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