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Audiensi BPS Provinsi NTT bersama Anggota Komite IV DPD RI

Audiensi BPS Provinsi NTT bersama Anggota Komite IV DPD RI

Audiensi BPS Provinsi NTT bersama Anggota Komite IV DPD RI

March 8, 2023 | BPS Activities

Wednesday, 08 March 2023 Member of Committee IV DPD RI, Hilda Manafe, S.E., M.M. conducted joint hearings with the NTT Provincial BPS, Kupang City BPS and the NTT Province Agriculture and Food Security Office regarding the implementation of the 2023 Agricultural Census (ST2023). The Head of the NTT Provincial BPS, Matamira B. Kale and the Head of the Kupang City BPS, Ramly K.T. Kusumo and his staff attended the meeting. The activity began with presentations regarding preparation, challenges/obstacles and contributions from various parties, especially from the local government in supporting ST2023 activities. The discussion was continued based on the presentation that had been delivered. At the end of the activity, BPS staff and Hilda took a group photo with the #SalamST2023 pose. Hilda also expressed her full support regarding the implementation of ST2023 which was carried out by the Central Statistics Agency.
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