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Product - News

Pendataan Regsosek - Anggota DPD RI Hilda Manafe

Pendataan Regsosek - Anggota DPD RI Hilda Manafe

Pendataan Regsosek - Anggota DPD RI Hilda Manafe

October 15, 2022 | BPS Activities

On the first day of the 2022 REGSOSEK Preliminary Data Collection, BPS NTT Province held a series of activities, namely the Alert Apple and REGSOSEK Socialization. After conducting a standby apple attended by the representation of REGSOSEK field officers in Kupang City, BPS NTT Province continued with the REGSOSEK Preliminary Data Collection Socialization event to journalists and also OPD. This socialization was opened by the Head of BPS NTT Province Matamira B. Kale with the main speaker being Jamason Sinaga, Inspector of Region III of BPS RI. This socialization session was used by journalists to dig deeper into various information related to the Initial Data Collection of REGSOSEK 2022. Through this socialization, it is hoped that the dissemination of information related to REGSOSEK can be achieved optimally so that the public understands, and is willing to receive field data collection officers and provide correct and accurate data. So #sahabatdata don't forget, accept the arrival of the officer on October 15 - November 14, 2022 and give an honest and correct answer!

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