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BPS NTT Province holds hearings with Committee IV DPD RI

BPS NTT Province holds hearings with Committee IV DPD RI

BPS NTT Province holds hearings with Committee IV DPD RI

March 8, 2022 | Other Activities

Data is one of the main assets in realizing effective and targeted regional development. Accurate, synchronized, and easily accessible data is indispensable in determining policy. The existence of the Satu Data Indonesia program, is a solution effort in realizing an accurate, synchronous, and easily accessible database. Committee IV of the DPD RI in its discussion with the BPS of NTT Province, Tuesday, March 8, 2022, raised the issue of One Indonesian Data as the main discussion point. In the hearing, the Acting Head of BPS for the Province of NTT, Mr. Adi Manafe accompanied by the team conveyed several points related to the implementation of One Indonesia Data, especially in the Province of East Nusa Tenggara. A constructive response was delivered by Ms. Hilda Riwu Kore, senator of Committee IV DPD RI who was present in the discussion. This hearing is one of DPD RI's efforts in absorbing the aspirations of various groups, including the government. Also present in the discussion were representatives of the Communication and Information Office of Kupang City, which in the One Data Indonesia program acts as data guardian in Kupang City.
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