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Press Release 1 March 2023

Press Release 1 March 2023

Press Release 1 March 2023

March 1, 2023 | BPS Activities

Starting in March in 2023, BPS NTT Province held a Press Conference in the context of releasing official statistical news. The Press Conference was held at the Second Floor Hall of BPS NTT Province and was also broadcast live through the BPS NTT Province Youtube channel. Attended by representatives of the media crew and relevant agencies/agencies, here are some of the key points in the release of the Official Statistical News:
1. YoY Inflation in February 2023, Combined 3 Cities Inflation was 5.41 percent, Kupang City was 5.57 percent, Maumere City was 5.86 percent, and Waingapu City was 3.57 percent

2. In February 2023, East Nusa Tenggara's NTP was 95.70 with the NTP of each subsector recorded at 95.54 for the rice-palawija crop subsector (NTP-P), 101.63 for the horticulture sub-sector (NTP-H); 90.89 for the smallholder plantation crop subsector (NTP-TPR); 109.01 for the livestock subsector (NTP-Pt) and 96.01 for the fisheries subsector (NTP-Pi).

3. The Trade Balance of East Nusa Tenggara in January 2023 experienced a surplus of US$ 1.59 million, mainly from the non-oil and gas sector with a surplus of US$ 1.54 million and the oil and gas sector surplus of US$ 0.05 million.

4. The number of air transport passengers in January 2023 was 187,498 people, a decrease of 19.38 percent compared to December 2022.

5. The rice harvest area in 2022 reached around 183.09 thousand hectares, an increase of 8.19 thousand hectares or 4.68 percent compared to the rice harvest area in 2021 which was 174.90 thousand hectares.
Badan Pusat Statistik

BPS-Statistics Indonesia

Badan Pusat Statistik Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur (Statistics of Nusa Tenggara Timur Province)Jl. R. Suprapto No. 5 Kupang - 85111

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