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Meeting of Sensus Pertanian 2023 PRovinsi NTT

Meeting of Sensus Pertanian 2023 PRovinsi NTT

Meeting of Sensus Pertanian 2023 PRovinsi NTT

December 10, 2022 | BPS Activities

The implementation of the Agricultural Census is scheduled to take place in 2023. To prepare for these activities, BPS NTT Province held a Coordination Meeting for the 2023 Agricultural Census. Located at Jayakarta Hotel, Labuan Bajo, this activity was opened by the Deputy Regent of West Manggarai, dr. Yulianus Weng, M. Kes. On that occasion dr. Yulianus appreciated the efforts of BPS which always maintains good coordination with local governments in every implementation of activities. He also emphasized that he was ready to support the implementation of the 2023 Agricultural Census, especially in West Manggarai Regency. On the same occasion, the Head of BPS NTT Province in his keynote speech said that the 2023 Agricultural Census data will be very strategic data to support development, especially in the field of improving farmer welfare.

In addition to discussing preparations for the implementation of the 2023 Agricultural Census, BPS NTT Province also carried out beach cleaning activities. This activity is a form of BPS's concern for environmental sustainability, as well as an effort to increase awareness and concern for the environment. The activity was then continued with capacity building, which aimed to increase the cohesiveness and togetherness of the participants of the 2023 Agricultural Census coordination meeting.
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