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Monetary Archive Training in BPS Provinsi NTT

Monetary Archive Training in BPS Provinsi NTT

Monetary Archive Training in BPS Provinsi NTT

November 3, 2021 | BPS Activities

‎BPS NTT Province continues to improve in various aspects to prepare for the Development of Integrity Zones. One of them is from the aspect of structuring financial archives. Financial archives are important documents in the administration of government. The document becomes one of the proofs of assessment of the financial governance of a work unit. Therefore, BPS NTT Province conducts special training for archivist partners in order to better organize financial archives. This training activity was opened directly by the Head of BPS NTT Province, Darwis Sitorus. Carried out for a full day, a special source from the Central BPS, haznizar Nasution's mother (Archivist of Madya) was brought in to train archivist partners before performing their duties. Through this Training, it is expected that in the future BPS NTT Province can become a work unit with better management of financial archives.‎
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