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Unite the vision for the SP2020 more leverage

Unite the vision for the SP2020 more leverage

Unite the vision for the SP2020 more leverage

June 23, 2020 | Other Activities

Later in September 2020, the Central Statistics Agency will continue to collect data on the 2020 Population Census. The data collection will target residents who have not yet implemented the 2020 Online Population Census. BPS NTT, as the person in charge of the 2020 Population Census in East Nusa Tenggara Province, must certainly think carefully about the implementation of data collection. which was carried out in the midst of this co-19 pandemic atmosphere. "From yesterday's Online Population Census, there are still a number of regions with very low response, these areas must of course have an extra strategy in order to complete the field population census on time," said Darwis, Head of BPS of NTT Province when giving direction in the middle of the SP2020 Working Group Meeting .

The meeting discussed a variety of possible strategies that could be implemented to address the very significant changes in the method of the Population Census in the field. The shifting focus of the government budget to the handling of Covid-19 has had a major impact on the implementation of the Field Population Census. Changes in the composition of the officers, staff training, and also the implementation of the field made BPS NTT continue to analyze the best strategy so that it can complete the maximum Population Census of the field. Plus the terrain of NTT Province which consists of islands with various types of terrestrial, demanding that NTT BPS be more alert in adjusting field conditions. The results of this meeting will be presented at the SP2020 Coordination Meeting between Regencies / Cities which will be held tomorrow.
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