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NTT BPS reach various media, Sfor the success of SP2020

NTT BPS reach various media, Sfor the success of SP2020

 NTT BPS reach various media, Sfor the success of SP2020

January 7, 2020 | Other Activities

The Population Census is in sight. Within days, the portal updating population data on will open soon. This large state program which is only carried out once in 10 years is certainly worthy of public knowledge, the entire population of Indonesia. Therefore, this morning the Head of BPS of the Province of East Nusa Tenggara, Darwis Sitorus, was present as a guest star in the "Kupang Morning" program broadcast by AFBtv Kupang.
In the event, Darwis invited all Indonesian people, especially the people of NTT to participate in the success of the 2020 Population Census. Darwis also emphasized that in this year's Population Census the community could independently update their personal data through (Online Population Census). The Online Population Census will take place on February 15-March 31, 2020.
Make sure you are recorded huh! 2020 Population Census: #Noting Indonesia
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