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Briefing Petugas Pengolahan SP2020

Briefing Petugas Pengolahan SP2020

Briefing Petugas Pengolahan SP2020

June 21, 2021 | BPS Activities

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‎ ‎‎Located in the hall on the 2nd floor of BPS NTT Province, a number of SP2020 processing officers appear to be undergoing a covid-19 antigen swab test. This swab test is the main requirement before the officer performs sp2020 processing activities. A total of 62 partners who had previously passed the sp2020 processing partner acceptance selection today attended the SP2020 processing briefing. Officers will then conduct the process of checking SP2020 data that has been collected in the field in 2020. During the activity, officers continue to be encouraged to apply strict health protocols, officers are also equipped with COVID-19 prevention equipment such as masks and handsanitizer.‎‎ ‎
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