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Campus Coordination Meeting 2020

Campus Coordination Meeting 2020

Campus Coordination Meeting 2020

March 10, 2020 | BPS Activities

Every stage of the 2020 Population Census requires the involvement of BPS external parties from the central to the regional level. In particular, the online population census really requires the involvement of educated people who are already accustomed to interacting with information technology devices, especially universities and students. .
Therefore, inviting universities and students to be involved in the implementation of the 2020 Population Census becomes a very important issue especially to increase the response rate of the online population census. Located at the Neo Kupang hotel, from this morning until this afternoon BPS NTT Province held a Campus Coordination Meeting (Rakorpus) with Nusa Cendana University as a form of Higher Education involvement in supporting the 2020 Population Census in NTT Province.
The Coordination Meeting which was attended directly by the Head of the NTT Province BPS and the Chancellor of the University of Cendana was also a form of technology literacy education efforts by BPS towards millennial generation. Millennial capabilities that are known to be responsive and active, can become the main motor in the application of information and communication technology advancements for the country's development, especially through the 2020 Online Population Census.
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