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SAKERNAS 2020 Processing Officer Training

SAKERNAS 2020 Processing Officer Training

SAKERNAS 2020 Processing Officer Training

February 5, 2020 | BPS Activities


A data to be presented to users must go through various stages, namely the enumeration stage (direct data collection to the field), the data processing stage, then the data presentation stage. The processing stage is one of the important stages, because at that stage the data obtained from the field will be inputted into the system so that it can be presented in a variety of tables and informative visuals.
Therefore, today (05/02/2020) at the Naka Kupang Hotel, 38 representatives of BPS districts / cities in East Nusa Tenggara gathered to attend the training of the National Labor Survey (SAKERNAS) processing officers. In this training the officers are equipped with various information needed to process the results of the National Labor Survey enumeration which will soon take place in all districts / cities in NTT. The information is very important to equate concepts and definitions, as well as the methods used, so as to produce accurate data and can be compared with each other.

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