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BPS NTT Province conducts field officer training in two types of surveys

BPS NTT Province conducts field officer training in two types of surveys

BPS NTT Province conducts field officer training in two types of surveys

February 24, 2022 | Other Activities

The need for actual and up-to-date strategic data also demands BPS to be able to work quickly and efficiently. Various kinds of surveys and data collection need to be carried out to meet these data needs. On Thursday, February 24, 2022, BPS of NTT Province conducted officer training in two types of surveys at once in two separate locations. Training for Coconut Strategic Commodity Survey (KOMSTRAT Kelapa) officers was held at Hotel On The Rock, Kupang. The Coconut KOMSTRAT survey aims to obtain various strategic indicators related to coconut commodities in Indonesia. Opened directly by the PLT Head of BPS, Adi H. Manafe (@adimanafe_ ) the officer training which was planned to last for 2 effective days was carried out with due observance of strict health protocols.
Meanwhile, the Training for Domestic Trade Survey Officers was held at the Sylvia Hotel, Kupang. The training, which was opened by the Coordinator of the Distribution Function of the Province of NTT, Demarce M. Soana, aims to train survey officers in conducting data collection related to the Domestic Trade Survey.
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