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The Training of Sakernas Local Instructure 2020

The Training of Sakernas Local Instructure 2020

The Training of Sakernas Local Instructure 2020

January 14, 2020 | BPS Activities

The National Labor Force Survey (Sakernas) is a routine BPS survey which is useful for obtaining various employment indicators. This morning, at the Sotis Hotel, more than 20 participants from NTT District / City BPS representatives attended the Sakernas Regional Instructor Training in February 2019. Opened by the NTT Provincial BPS Head, Darwis Sitorus, S.Si, M.Sc, this training aims to strengthening the ability of Regional Instructors in understanding the National Labor Survey.
This is important to do, because later regional instructors will provide instruction to field enumerators (PCL) in each district / city. Therefore, a concrete and good understanding is needed to avoid misperceptions and misconceptions in conducting data collection in the field. Through a good understanding of the enumerator and according to the method, the data obtained will be more actual and effective for development planning.
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