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Product - News

Statistical Agent Development-Pojok Statistik of Nusa Cendana University

Statistical Agent Development-Pojok Statistik of Nusa Cendana University

Statistical Agent Development-Pojok Statistik of Nusa Cendana University

December 4, 2024 | Other Activities

Pojok Statistik is a form of collaboration between BPS NTT Province and Higher Education. This service was created to make it easier for students to access BPS statistical data. Pojok Statistik also routinely involves students as Statistical Agents as an effort to increase statistical literacy among students. Therefore, on Wednesday, December 4 2024, BPS NTT Province held Statistical Agent Development for the Pojok Statistik of Nusa Cendana University. The Statistics Agent will later serve as a promoter of BPS statistical services among students.
The coaching, which was opened by the Head of the General Section of BPS NTT Province, Mr. Adi Manafe, was attended by 18 Statistics Agents of Pojok Statistik of the Nusa Cendana University. Through this coaching, statistical agents are expected to be able to understand the statistical services available at BPS so they can disseminate this information to fellow students. Pojok Statistik, a fun place to learn statistics!

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