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Update of MSBP and Seruti Susenas Quarter III

Update of MSBP and Seruti Susenas Quarter III

Update of MSBP and Seruti Susenas Quarter III

September 17, 2024 | BPS Activities

BPS as an agency providing statistical data in Indonesia routinely collects data for calculating various development indicators, one of which is through the National Socio-Economic Survey (SUSENAS) and the Integrated Household Survey (SERUTI). The implementation of the survey is divided into two stages, namely updating/checking households and household data collection/enumeration.
The process of updating/checking households has been carried out on September 11-15, 2024. Currently, BPS data collection officers/partners are preparing to continue the survey data collection process for selected respondents on September 20-30, 2024. Because the data collection is in the form of a survey, only a portion of the population will be visited by officers, #datafriends.. So, are there any #datafriends who were selected as respondents? For those who were selected, please accept the arrival of the officers!
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