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HARMONIS and Fun Pimpong welcome HSN

HARMONIS and Fun Pimpong welcome HSN

HARMONIS and Fun Pimpong welcome HSN

September 22, 2023 | Other Activities

All employees of BPS NTT Province together with PPNPN and Internship Students today carried out
Harmonious (Friday Speaking Dynamic) and Fun Pimpong activities as part of a series of activities to welcome National Statistics Day. This activity was carried out at the BPS Office of East Nusa Tenggara Province.
Starting with Joint Gymnastics then continued with games that are no less exciting. After that, all employees followed and watched the Pimpong sports match which carried the concept of fun Pimpong. Hopefully, this activity will further increase the sense of togetherness and happiness for all BPS employees of East Nusa Tenggara Province.

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