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Anti-Corruption Behavior Survey (SPAK) 2023

Anti-Corruption Behavior Survey (SPAK) 2023

Anti-Corruption Behavior Survey (SPAK) 2023

August 9, 2023 | BPS Activities

Sahabat Data's Anti-Corruption Behavior Survey (SPAK) 2023, from August 7 to September 7, 2033, BPS throughout Indonesia will begin to carry out SPAK 2023

data collection. SPAK activities are specifically designed as an effort to accelerate anti-corruption synergy in Indonesia as stated in Presidential Regulation No. 54 of 2018, Presidential Regulation of Stranas PK 2018 and RPJMN targets 2020-2024. The scope of SPAK includes petty corruption which is considered the root of corruptive behavior.
Through SPAK, we can measure public opinion and experience on corrupt behavior, as well as socialization and knowledge about anti-corruption. In NTT, there are only 3 districts selected as SPAK samples: TTS, Rote Ndao and Sikka. After this data collection, SPAK will produce an Anti-Corruption Behavior Index (IPAK) which will later be used as evaluation material for the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) and government ranks related to combating corruption in Indonesia.

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