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National Socio-Economic Survey Field Data Collection

National Socio-Economic Survey Field Data Collection

National Socio-Economic Survey Field Data Collection

February 17, 2025 | BPS Activities

The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) has again carried out field data collection from the National Socio-Economic Survey (SUSENAS). This activity, which is carried out every semester, is scheduled to take place during February 2025. The SUSENAS Semester I data collection schedule, which is usually carried out in March, has been adjusted to February to anticipate the Ramadan fasting which falls in March. SUSENAS is not just data collection, but also an effort to understand the social and economic dynamics of society in depth. Each answer from a respondent is a real portrait that will be the basis for the government in designing policies that are right on target. SUSENAS will produce various strategic development indicators, such as indicators of Poverty, Housing, Population Expenditure, etc.

Thank you to all the people who have participated and supported the implementation of SUSENAS activities, especially in NTT Province. With Data Friends' cooperation and honesty, together we will build a strong data foundation for the nation's progress! 💪🇮🇩

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