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2023 National Awakening Day Ceremony

2023 National Awakening Day Ceremony

2023 National Awakening Day Ceremony

May 22, 2023 | Other Activities

BPS East Nusa Tenggara Province held a ceremony to commemorate the 115th National Awakening Day (Harkitnas) which is commemorated on May 20 2023 as a momentum for the struggle of the Indonesian people which was marked by the birth of the Budi Utomo organization in 1928. Carrying the theme "Spirit to Rise", symbolizing the values enthusiasm and strength to rise towards a better future for Indonesia.

The Head of BPS for East Nusa Tenggara Province, Matamira B. Kale through the opening remarks of Plt. The Minister of Communication and Informatics conveyed that one of them was related to the spirit of collaboration with Ministries, Institutions, Regional Governments, the private sector, academia, the press, the community, and all elements of the nation to continue to apply the values of unity as well as oneness in realizing the rise of our nation from various global crises, both health and the economy.

Present at the ceremony were Associate Expert Statistics and all BPS employees of East Nusa Tenggara Province

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