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BPS Province of NTT won a Perfect score on IKPA results for Q1 2023

BPS Province of NTT won a Perfect score on IKPA results for Q1 2023

BPS Province of NTT won a Perfect score on IKPA results for Q1 2023

May 19, 2023 | Other Activities

The Budget Implementation Performance Indicator (IKPA) is an indicator of monitoring and evaluation of budget implementation provided by the Directorate General of Treasury as a reflection of the performance of the work unit on the quality of budget planning and implementation. Some time ago, the Regional Office of the Directorate General of Treasury of NTT Province released the results of the IKPA Assessment of satker throughout East Nusa Tenggara Province. Based on the assessment of budget implementation in the first quarter of 2023, BPS NTT Province achieved IKPA achievements with a score of 100 or in the "Perfect" category. This achievement has increased compared to the fourth quarter of 2022 which was at a score of 97.65. For this achievement, the DGT Regional Office of NTT Province gave special awards to the task forces with the achievements of the "Perfect" IKPA, including the NTT Provincial BPS. This is one proof of the commitment of BPS NTT Province in maintaining the integrity of state budget management (APBN).
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