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BPS Province of NTT won the Budget Management Award

BPS Province of NTT won the Budget Management Award

BPS Province of NTT won the Budget Management Award

March 15, 2023 | Other Activities

BPS East Nusa Tenggara Province won two awards at the Coordination Meeting for the First Semester of 2023 of the NTT Provincial DGT Regional Office which was attended by all work units of Agencies/Institutions/Agencies throughout East Nusa Tenggara Province.

The two awards are the Best First Rank in Financial Statements at the Accounting and Financial Reporting Unit Level at the UAPPA-W Level for the Second Semester of FY 2022 and the Third Rank of IKPA in the Fourth Quarter of FY 2022 in the Medium Ceiling Category. This award is a form of appreciation given by the DGT Regional Office of NTT Province to work units that have good performance in financial management.

In addition to awarding, several materials were also presented in the activity related to the Implementation of the FY 2022-2023 Budget, Preparation of LKPP, Innovation in the Development of ZI WBBM and Socialization of the Implementation of NIK as NPWP.

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