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BPS Wins 2022 Budget Performance Award

BPS Wins 2022 Budget Performance Award

BPS Wins 2022 Budget Performance Award

May 17, 2023 | Other Activities

The Central Statistics Agency (BPS) received the fifth Best Budget Performance award for 2022 for the Category of State Ministries/Institutions with Moderate Ceilings at the Ministry of Finance's "National Coordination Meeting on Budget Implementation 2023" at the Dhanapala Building, Jakarta (17/5).

The award was handed over by the Indonesian Minister of Finance, Sri Mulyani Indrawati and received by the Main Secretary of BPS, Atqo Mardiyanto.

"If it's good, why are we gathering? Because the current improvement can still be accelerated. We are still at the stage with room to improve," said Sri Mulyani in her remarks after handing over the award.

BPS, along with 14 ministries and other agencies, received the award based on an assessment which is a combination of the evaluation of budget performance from the SMART application and the value of performance indicators for budget execution from the OM SPAN application.

At the event, BPS also opened a socialization stand for the 2023 Agricultural Census where the data collection was getting closer, namely June 1-July 31 2023.
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