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Mother's Day Celebration

Mother's Day Celebration

Mother's Day Celebration

December 22, 2022 | Other Activities

Mother's Day in Indonesia is celebrated every December 22. But did you know #sahabatdata it turns out that the commemoration of Mother's Day in Indonesia cannot be separated from an important event that is part of the series of struggles for Indonesian independence, which coincides with the holding of the first Women's Congress in Indonesia on December 22, 1928.

December 22, 2022, BPS NTT Province also commemorated Mother's Day by holding a Mother's Day Commemoration Ceremony. This moment is an effort to remember and honor the services of mothers who have given birth to the leaders of the nation, and have raised us with love and struggle. On this occasion, the Head of BPS NTT Province, Matamira B. Kale, also advised that the commemoration of Mother's Day is not only commemorated by mothers, but also includes men / fathers who have jointly fought for the progress of the nation. Congratulations on commemorating Mother's Day, #SahabatData, Empowered Women, Advanced Indonesia!

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