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The Excitement of Independence Day Celebration at BPS NTT Province

The Excitement of Independence Day Celebration at BPS NTT Province

The Excitement of Independence Day Celebration at BPS NTT Province

August 16, 2022 | BPS Activities

[The Excitement of Independence Day Celebration at BPS NTT Province]
The scorching sun in Kupang City did not dampen the enthusiasm of the BPS staff of NTT Province in participating in the series of Independence Day Celebrations. Located in the courtyard of the BPS office of the Province of NTT, the employees of the BPS Province of NTT seemed enthusiastic about participating in various competitions that had been prepared by the committee. Starting from the yelling competition to the rubber relay competition, the staff of the NTT Province BPS successfully completed it. This event is one of the actions to increase the spirit of cooperation and mutual assistance of BPS NTT Province to realize Indonesia, which recovers faster, rises stronger.
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